The Formation of a Daughter of the Heart of Mary aims at developing all the potentials, human as well as spiritual. It gradually leads the person to strive at inner freedom, whereby she is open and free to respond to the Lord with love and generosity.
Stages in Formation:
Aspirancy : “ Teacher where do you live?” (Jn. 1: 38) It is first step in discerning vocation.
( 6 months to one year)
Postulancy : “ Come and see” (Jn. 1: 39) It is a time to know more about the Religious Society.
( One year)
Novitiate: “ They went and saw where He lived, and stayed with Him” (Jn. 1: 39)
An intensive period of formation which prepares to commit one’s life through the first vows.
(Two years)
Juniorate : “ I am the Way, the Truth, the Life” (Jn.14”6) - Five years
Third Year : “ I am going to lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart” (Hosea 2: 16)