(19th March 2017 - 19th March 2024)
Words are inadequate to express our deep gratitude to Philomena D’Sa as she remits her responsibility as Provincial of India Province South on 19th March 2024. During her 7 year tenure as provincial, she has strived to motivate each DHM to attain great heights in spiritual and personal growth. Philomena has deputed DHM for training in spirituality, leadership, counselling and other courses to empower them to discover their potential and give their best in their respective fields. DHM, who had an aptitude for learning, were also encouraged to go for further studies, to make them competent and qualified to shoulder responsibilities in the apostolate.
Her caring and compassionate attitude and concern for our health and families manifested her personal interest in each one of us. Philomena care fronted when required and was firm when decisions had to be made for the good of the DHM and the province.
The pandemic did not curtail her contacts with the DHM spread over 5 states of Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, Tamil Nadu and Meghalaya. Webinars were organised in the province and across the provinces and also with the Generalate which were enriching and strengthened the Cor Unum. Even during the pandemic, some visits were undertaken.
Two more reunions were created at Mudhol, north Karnataka and at Bolar, Mangalore, which helped in better administration, functioning and outreach programmes to the least and the lost in our society. At present, we have 15 reunions in India Province South.
The planning and preparation for the Local and Provincial Chapters were done meticulously. Moreover the orientations of the XXXVth General Chapter of 2023 were disseminated to each DHM through the Regional Assemblies and the Provincial Assembly by Philomena and the delegates. This is a bird’s eye view of all that has been done during the past 7 years. We pray for God’s choicest blessings on our dear Philomena. Adios!